A Little Understanding

Sometimes we lean on friends without them even knowing. At least I am guilty of this. Bouncing thoughts off of someone but without revealing every aspect of where you are coming from is in a way testing the waters. People feel each other out to see if something will elicit a reaction or return the understanding so many of us desperately need.

When encountering a friend who can not only listen but relate in some ways, it sparks that special connection we as emotional beings are so often seeking. It moves from testing the waters to trusting that our feelings will be gently cared for. While not everything between any two people will always be completely relatable, empathy has a way of kicking in to say “I may not share everything you’ve been through but I understand”. To me this is so powerful because it unleashes the doubt and pent up feelings that we bury so deep. It provides a freedom to both sides to exercise a trust that society has taught us to guard. Letting that guard down is something I continue to work on, but it makes it so much easier when I witness someone else willing to share themselves.