A Million Questions – Why

I have a million questions, but I suppose so does everyone. Here are some of mine. 

Why am I really doing any of this? 
Why can’t I just be happy with the way things are? 
Why isn’t ‘good enough’ ever good enough?
Why do I always need to go and fuck things up? 
Why do I feel incapable of letting others down? 
Why do I make choices that let others down? 
Why does this constant need to be a giving person outweigh everything else?
Why do I shine a light on some yet cast a dark shadow on others? 
Why was I not told that this trip had so many layovers?
Why has no one ever touched my soul?
Why do I care – Care about others, care about the world?
Why do I feel like I can save the world, yet not myself? 
Why have I never heard the words Everything is going to be okay?
Why do I sometimes want to disappear?
Why do any of these questions make me want to cry?
Why can’t I cry about any of these questions?

These are all legitimate questions, some are purely hypothetical. I didn’t write them as some sort of pity party. I may never know the answer to all of these and perhaps I was not meant to. I can only continue to explore them.