Update: I’ve added a new tool to try and help with whatever has been “off” for a while. I began taking a low dose medication to try and get right with myself and the early reviews are in – starting anything new is often not that easy. In fact it can really suck.
Day 1, no big deal and my appetite is greatly reduced, I got this!
Day 2, nausea and episodes where I felt like gagging. Ginger ale and Pepto. By evening a nagging headache right behind my eyes. Not terrible but annoying.
Day 3, this morning I probably lost a couple pounds after my body cleansed itself, ugh. The headache has not gone away yet. By afternoon I felt good and had a relaxing time in the pool. Still no desire to eat dinner.
Day 4, nausea is back to remind me “hey buddy I hope you have plenty of saltine crackers and ginger ale because that’s what on the menu”. I’ve had no desire to eat anything since Thursday (Day 2).
Night 4, this nausea that is up in my throat is kicking my ass. I slept sitting up and have gone through 4 packages of saltines in 2 days along with a gallon of ginger ale and water. I battled through it and somehow fell asleep eventually.
Day 5, this morning I was finally able to drink a half cup of coffee and forced myself to eat a couple pieces of toast. My stomach is fine, I’m just not hungry. By noon the familiar feeling of wanting to gag was back. Knocked that down with another shock and awe dose of pepto and ginger ale, then made myself busy to take my mind off of it. Lots of water as well. Headaches are gone. I still haven’t eaten a real meal in 3 days.
Night 5, finally forced myself to eat solid food late tonight. I was feeling a little better but as of midnight I’m fighting that feeling in my throat again.
Day 6, the nausea that tightens my throat is gone! I went all day without that feeling. Still no appetite, forced myself to eat some fruit early in the day and a salad for dinner. It’s Monday night and I don’t feel any side effects WOO-HOO!
Early observation, I’m hopeful that these were only early side effects that needed to wear off as my body adapts. This medication has a warning for the chance of increased thoughts of suicide, maybe that is because the above side effects make you want to do that? THAT WAS A JOKE (poor taste I know), I SERIOUSLY DON’T WANT TO DO THAT. I don’t deal with nausea well and I naturally fight back any chance of throwing up just like I suppress so many other things. I hope that is not how this medication takes someone’s mind off of depression. I’ve spent half my life hiding the things that affect my wellbeing but side effects are not so easy to cover up. If side effects become an ongoing thing then other people are going to take notice.