This is a quick entry and it isn’t about a particular episode but is related to the whole Void topic. Today while in session I was describing the differences between the Void and my Ideation. While fumbling through a vague description of the Void my therapist suggested (or posed it as a question) that the Void is my depression. Holy Crap – BINGO! I feel like I’ve been hiding behind this mysterious description and making the Void out to be something very ominous when in fact it is just a description of my depression or where I am while in a depressive state of mind. Actually it is still somewhat ominous to me when I am in the grips of the Void and identifying this doesn’t make it any less troubling. But at least I have reached a small milestone in admitting to myself that YES I do have depression and these depressive episodes.
So THANK YOU to my therapist, guide, mental mentor, or whatever name fits her. You have helped me reach places within me that I never recognized before.