Tuesday 3/23

I haven’t written one of these daily thoughts in a while but today felt different.

I am grateful everything is going to be alright. (More about this under My Thoughts)
I am grateful that someone had faith in me and renewed my faith in them.
I am grateful that someone else cares as much as I care.

Tuesday 3/16

I am grateful it is Tuesday. I am grateful it is today and not yesterday. F! yesterday, I need more todays and tomorrows.

I’ve been slacking on writing anything down the past few days and it shows.

Tuesday 3/9

I am grateful for waking up late. I am grateful for sitting on my sunglasses and breaking them this morning. I am grateful for the detour I had to take around construction today.

Why would I be grateful for any of this? Because it shows just how imperfect my world is and it has an odd awakening effect on me.

Monday 3/8

I am grateful for life.

I am grateful for my ability to look at the world through a positive lens. Often it is all too easy to read the world around us in a negative way. Perspective is everything.

You matter

Its all in how you read the world around you.

Friday 3/5

I am grateful that it’s not yesterday.

I am grateful for the self awareness I continue to have. Though sometimes it seems it would be so much easier if I were a little oblivious and didn’t give everything so much thought.

I am grateful I found motivation this morning.

Tuesday 3/2

I am grateful to be alive and be a part of this world.

I am grateful that the outlook on this world compared to last year continues to improve. I see improvements with the pandemic, people getting back to work. and generally things just feel more positive.


Monday 3/1

I am grateful today is Monday – and yes I am practically repeating last Monday but here I am again. I am grateful that it is a new beginning of a week and a new chance at starting over where I last left off.

I am grateful that I forced myself to not abandon this list despite slacking off for 2 days. I’m back which should count for something.

I am grateful that today is my son’s birthday. I am very proud of the independent person he has become.

Friday 2/26

I am grateful for the days I find complete relaxation. It makes me want to become tangled up in my softest blanket and take a rare nap.

I am grateful for the one who helps me find my center, find my ground, shares their kindness, and brings their unconditional friendship.

Tuesday 2/23

I am grateful that someone has been trying to reach me about my vehicle warranty. 🤣

Okay being serious now, I am grateful that I find humor in the nonsense that swirls around me on a daily basis. My humor, my sarcasm, and ability to not let (some) outside noise penetrate my journey helps me feel more peaceful.

I am grateful for some of the outlets I have that just make me feel alive. Yesterday I was driving and came upon an empty stretch of road. No other cars, cross traffic or people. Just an open stretch in the desert, a song that was almost louder than my stereo could handle, and my foot mashed to the floor to feel the speed of my truck match the energy of the song. It wasn’t about placing myself in danger, it was controlled exhilaration. I felt grateful for being able to feel that moment.


Monday 2/22

Today I am grateful it is Monday. So that doesn’t sound convincing even to me but I really am glad the week has begun. Sunday was alright but I’m ready to be out of the house and back into the daily work week again. At least the drama I encounter at work is within my own control.

I am grateful that I feel healthy today.

I am grateful for a lunch conversation I had this past Friday. That interaction lingers today and just feels uplifting.

Sunday 2/21

I am grateful for my sense of humor, even if it is pressed a little off center sometimes LOL.

I am grateful for my ability to not take myself too serious, right when I need to not take myself serious.

I am glad I can still laugh at myself and find humor in so much of the world around me.

Therapy humor

Friday 2/19 (AH-HA)

I am grateful for the AH-HA moments in life. I absolutely get such a charge when I am reading or listening to something and I am struck with that momentary electric feeling. These moments have a way of stimulating my senses and provoking deep thought. One such moment happened Thursday and I wrote about it under the My Thoughts section > entitled Another AH-HA Moment.

Thursday 2/18

What am I grateful for today? I’ve only been at this a week and this exercise feels like it’s getting harder to do. Not because I am not feeling thankful, but because of the rules I create in my own head that says I need to make these original. When in reality I know this is MY list and I have the ability to make the rules whatever I wish. Kind of amusing that I would be hard on myself when I’m literally just talking to myself here LOL. Anyway…

I am grateful that I am hard on myself and attempt to hold myself to certain standards.

I am grateful for my perseverance to push forward and not give up.

Wednesday 2/17

I am grateful for feeling the cold air outside this morning. When I walked out the door to go to work there was a slight chill in the air. It reminded me that life itself is not perfect and not always comfortable. Sometimes I need to put a sweater on to keep warm or wear something cooler when it becomes hot. A perfect room temperature is similar to indifference or numbness. It doesn’t have the ability to trigger any of my senses of being cold or hot so it is refreshing to just feel something that makes me react. So I am thankful for the experience of feeling that chill this morning.

I am grateful for the leg cramp that had me jump out of bed at 6am this morning! Okay so maybe the pain itself was not worth being grateful for but it prevented me from continuously hitting the snooze button and so I was able to get an early start on my day.

Tuesday 2/16

I am grateful for my sense of humor. Without my ability to laugh at myself and the world around me I think the seriousness of everything would be too much to bear.

I am grateful for a good nights sleep. Okay, so last night wasn’t one of those nights which doesn’t qualify here. But when I DO get a good nights sleep I’m grateful. So another way to phrase this would be, I am grateful for the nights when I do get a good nights sleep. ZZZ

I am grateful I had the energy and willpower to still write these this morning. Originally I put it off but then I was headed for the front door and these just popped into my head.

I am grateful for persevering and sticking to something I committed to. See #3 above ;-)

Monday 2/15

Today I am grateful for Two steps forward and One step back. At least it is not One step forward Two steps back right? 😄
Any step forward is something I am grateful for so I refuse to dwell on the negatives or setbacks that I encounter. The term Two steps forward One step back should not be a mathematical ratio, a step in any direction does not offset the other. Each step stands on it’s own. Some days it feels like there are more steps backward than forward but this page is about finding what I am grateful for, not the other way around.

I am grateful for hearing a song on the radio this morning that I had not heard in years.

I am grateful that I just noticed my hand is dry and cracked, it is a reminder to me that I need some lotion and to take better care of my self.

I am grateful I started writing these thoughts down. No matter how small or insignificant these may seem, insight and self discovery never cease to amaze me.

Sunday 2/14 – The Wind

I am grateful for the wind. This morning I was awakened by the sound of the strong wind blowing through the trees outside. Lying in bed I became mesmerized by the sound of the gusts, the sound of the palm fronds moving, and how much the wind reminds me of rushing water. The wind itself is invisible but it exists without question. Visually I know it is there because I see the limbs of the tree sway as it passes. I feel it across my face, I hear it as it moves across everything around me, and a freshness of clean air takes over my sense of smell. There is power and strength in the wind. It has direction and determination, a force that can be both gentle and fierce. I seek to be like the wind. Calm, strong, ever-moving, silent itself yet heard through what I am able to touch.

I know this is suppose to be my daily list but I am only writing down this one grateful item today. I am grateful for much but the contemplation brought on by the wind seemed so meaningful. Until tomorrow…

Friday 2/12

This is the first of many as I list what I feel grateful for each day.

I am grateful the sun came up today, even if the sun rising is a given.
I am thankful the world really is a better place than some others make it out to be.
I am glad that in my past I chose to take the red pill over the blue pill.
I am grateful that I have never tired of sharing kindness toward those I care for.
I am grateful I have given myself so many second chances in life.