What happens when the walls and protective shield that has been built can’t even be deconstructed by the person who created them? This way of living or surviving that I have created is more than just coping skills. It is more than just blocking others from connecting with me. There is also an aspect of self preservation in keeping the walls up at any cost.
There is a fine line I walk between trusting anyone to help me while maintaining enough control to appear as if I am alright. For instance, one of these protocols I have built is to do anything possible to avoid being committed should I exhibit anything that would be considered a risk. Of course to accomplish that I avoid any discussion of how real ideation or risks can get at times. I will lie deny or put on such an act that I even fool myself. That blocking mechanism is so strong I wonder if even I would be able to shut that down to help myself. Here is the mixed up thinking behind all of this. I would rather die than allow someone to prevent me from wanting to die. That makes no fucking sense yet that feels so very true.
Stepping back and looking at this behavior leaves me disappointed in my ability to trust. I pay good money to go to therapy. I place my trust in my therapist and she seems to be the only one who has brought me closer to working things out. Yet I will play the avoidance game or even boldface lie to the degree where I believe it myself. Just to prove that I am okay. Again this is all self preservation. If I spoke about some of the depths I have reached at times or of some of the thoughts or dreams I have experienced then I’m sure she would either check me in somewhere or refer me elsewhere. Fact of the matter is that my therapist is one of the few stable things I have to hang onto. This is all part of that fine line. I hang only by a thread to what trust I do have in her and myself but I’m unsure if there’s a safety net below me should I lose my grip.
At home the one who I should trust the most I continually flat out deny and avoid any conversations with about my mental wellness. Even after all these years I don’t trust that everything I would say about what goes on inside me could be handled. It’s A LOT. I feel like anything I say would instill a certain amount of fear for my safety or change the view about me to being fragile or broken. Being treated like I were broken seems far worse than not being treated like anything at all. Fact is that I just can’t bring myself to those conversations. I can’t talk about all the shit that I deal with because it would be taken as being someone’s fault or something that can easily be fixed if I do X Y and Z. I can’t answer all the questions that would come at me. I’m super uncomfortable talking about myself as it is. Saying “I don’t know” is really an answer in my case. I don’t want to hear what someone thinks is the answer because it’s not helpful. If one conversation would fix me then I would have done that a long time ago. I just want to feel safe. I want others to be able to show they understand even if they could never possibly understand what plagues me. Understand that what I am going through is real without needing to understand it fully.
I hold onto all the things in my life because familiarity is my safety. It is all part of my balance and removing any one piece would bring the rest of my world down.
This protective wall I keep around myself is not going away in an instant just because I tell it to. Some of what keeps me functional is woven into what makes these walls so tearing them down all at once I feel would take me down with it. The walls protect others, protects me from others, and protects me from myself.