My wellness has taken on many different phases as I progress along this journey. In today’s session as I spoke I found myself saying things as if I were realizing them for the first time. Therapy has helped me discover that I can tap into self discovery by thinking out loud similar to how I do when writing.
One thing was the realization that I am on the verge of discovering something within myself. I feel I am very close to something but I can’t quite put my finger on what that is. I don’t think it is something as big as figuring out the meaning of life or anything earth-shattering but I get this deep sense that I am close to something significant. I’m not exactly sure what it is or why I would think there is something that I am closing in on but the sense feels powerful right now.
Maybe this feeling or sense could be connected with my desire to finally discuss my depression and everything else with Vange. This has been a huge shift for me to want to trust discussing this with someone that I have remained guarded with for so long. My strong resolve to trust and be vulnerable enough to get this all off my chest might be giving me other glimpses into additional self discovery. As apprehensive as I have been to have this discussion I am also motivated by it as well because I think it has the potential to open up more doors within me. And no matter the outcome, good or bad, that gives me something to look forward to.